룸바메드 포셋

룸바메드 포셋
280,000원 320,000원
기본 할인40,000원
품절된 상품입니다.
주문 수량   0개
총 상품 금액 0원
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Product benefits

Targeted relief of the facet joints through effective reduction of lordosis

Precise regulation of intra-abdominal pressure by means of the double 3-point strap system

Holds the pelvis in an upright position

Stabilises the lumbar spine area and the lumbosacral transition



Facet joint osteoarthritis

Intervertebral disc protrusion, prolapse

Severe lumbar pain / ischialgia


Lumbago with iliosacral joint involvement

Chronic pain in the lumbosacral area

Spondylosis without slipping of vertebrae


Muscular imbalance

Segmental instability

Lumbar vertebral canal stenosis



Circulatory disorders / sensory disturbances / open wounds in the area of the orthosis

Respiratory diseases such as COPD

Diseases or injuries of the skin in the area of use, especially with inflammatory symptoms (excessive warming, swelling or reddening)


How does it work?/Mode of action

The Lumbamed facet operates using a combination of compressing knitted fabric, stabilising back rods and a pullstrap system which increases pressure. Abdominal compression and trunk musculature support relieve the strain on the lumbar column and thereby ease pain. The four crossover pull straps create a double three-point system with the dorsal points of application on the pelvis and in the upper lumbar spine area. Through individual pressure management, this three-point strap system increases the effect of reducing lordosis formation. Basically, the orthotic can be worn all day long. The special cut in the groin area (Comfort Zone) ensures that the fit of the support is comfortable and just right. However, the length of time you wear it should depend on your needs.


Donning/fitting instructions

Before putting on the orthosis, please loosen the straps, so that it can be put on without pulling. To do so, unfasten the hook and loop fastener ends of the straps and loosen these by placing them further back on the velour on the belt. The label on the right-hand inner fastener has information on what way to put on the orthotic. Now, slide your left hand into the inner hand strap on the left-hand fastener side. Wrap the support around your body and check once again on the label that you have the orthotic the right way around. Now, slide your right hand into the outer hand strap on the right-hand fastener side. Pull both fastener sides together in the middle, so that they can be hook and loop fastenered over each other as far at the same distance. When fastening, ensure that the back brace is in the middle. The orthotic is on properly when the lower fastener edge is just above the pubic bone. Now unfasten the hook and loop fastener ends of both lower pull straps and pull these forward at the same time. You can adjust the tightness to suit your own requirements and manage your pain levels. Do the same for the upper pull straps Information for technicians: The strap length may be adjusted by cutting it at the edge of the Y fastener.




척추관협착증과 허리디스크의 차이


허리디스크 - 추간판(디스크)가 돌출되어 신경을 누름

                      허리를 구부리면 아프다. 

                      누워서 다리를 들어올리면 뒤부분이 당겨서 많이 안 올라간다



척추관협착증 -  신경관이 좁아짐

                           허리를 앞으로 구부리면 편하지만

                          허리를 꼿꼿이 세우고 뒤로 젖히면 아프다.

                           다리를 들어올려도 아무렇지 않다 







룸바메드 포셋

280,000원 320,000원
추가 금액
품절된 상품입니다.
주문 수량   0개
총 상품 금액 0원
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