Genumeid Emotion 3.0
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Genumedi® E⁺motion®
Performance knee support for soft tissue compression
E+motion are medi’s Performance Collection.
Genumedi® E+motion® – sports support to provide that feeling of security when stress is exerted on the knee
The Genumedi® E+motion® sports support is used for compression at the knee joint. The special properties of the combination of performance material, fit (Performance Fit) and knitted fabric (Performance Compression) offer noticeable advantages in active everyday life and sports. The extra-high degree of stability provides support especially during extreme movements.The sports support with integrated 3D silicone quartz pad supports the reduction of swelling (oedema, haematoma). The compressive knit can improve proprioception: improved proprioception supports the body’s own control and stabilisation of the joint.
The Genumedi® E+motion® sports support can be used for all indications where soft tissue compression with local pressure pads around the kneecap is essential. This may be necessary in cases of slight instability, joint wear (arthrosis) and joint inflammation (arthritis) of the knee. In addition, the support can be used for anterior knee pain (patellofemoral pain syndrome).
Genumedi® E+motion® sports support:
Performance Material, Performance Fit and Performance Compression
The triple performance combination of material, fit and knit offers effective support with every movement: the thermoregulating and odour-inhibiting properties of the merino wool (mulesing-free*) ensure a pleasant wearing comfort. Dry Skin technology enables effective moisture management: the support absorbs moisture up to two times faster* and transports it to the surface where it evaporates (performance material).
Side grip studs (gip-ons) make it easier to put on the support. It has an ergonomic shape and a secure, as well as an almost wrinkle-free fit. Thanks to the Perfect-Fit adhesive band, the support does not slip. A pad with a precise fit is available for each size. The XL movement zone around the knee joint creates maximum flexibility – exactly where it is needed (Perfomance Fit).
The compressive material is 10 per cent thinner and 25 per cent tighter than other knitted fabrics** – thanks to highly elastic yarns with great recovery power (strong self-recovery). The 3D silicone quartz pad develops a soothing massage effect during movement and stimulates blood circulation. Swelling can thus be reduced more quickly (Performance Compression).
They combine functionality and design. With optimised new features, this still young collection is now going into the second round: Extra stable and flexible, it ensures perfect support under high stress conditions. People who are very active benefit particularly from this: Competitive athletes and recreational sport enthusiasts who place stress on their joints and their back, both at work and during leisure time.
E+motion are medical aids and lifestyle products at the same time; they combine medical effectiveness with exclusive features and a sporty look.
Knee support for compression of soft tissue
There can be many causes of pain in the knee: Injuries, strains caused by overloading or operations, mild arthrosis, arthritis or mild instabilities. The Genumedi E+motion knee support supports you by effectively alleviating these complaints. The integrated silicone quartz pad with a 3D profile creates a beneficial massage effect as you move. It also stimulates the circulation of the tissue. Working together with the compressive fabric, swelling and oedemas can be efficiently reduced and the healing process can be promoted. Alongside the tried and trusted medical effect, Genumedi E+motion scores extra points with its exclusive features in a sporty look. The breathable fabric made from active fibre and merino fibre support the thermo-regulation in both summer and winter, adapting perfectly to movement and also giving the joint extra stability for high stress during sport, at work or in everyday life. The quadruple silicon point coating ensures that the support always sits perfectly during all activities. The extra-large comfort zone in the bending region (hollow of the knee) is another new feature. It helps to prevent skin irritations and supports the wearing comfort.
Product benefits
Even firmer hold thanks to quadruple silicone point coating
Particularly high stability and even more freedom of movement at the same time
Relief of the kneecap thanks to the open border for the patella
Massage effect thanks to integrated silicone quartz pad with 3D profile
More freedom of movement thanks to extra large comfort zone
Optimal breathability thanks to active fibre
Improved thermo-regulation thanks to merino fibre
All indications requiring soft tissue compression with local pads in the area of the patella, such as:
Product features
Intended purpose
Knee bandages for soft tissue compression.
사이즈 선택
무릎 (옆라인)중앙에서 15cm 위 허벅지 둘레/// 아래 5cm 종아리 둘레
1호 XS 37 ~ 40 // 25 ~ 28
2호 S 40 ~ 43 // 28 ~ 31
3호 M 43 ~ 46 // 31 ~34
엑스트라와이드 3호 46 ~ 49 // 31 ~ 34
4호 L 46 ~ 49 // 34 ~ 37
엑스트라와이드 4호 49 ~ 52 // 34 ~ 37
5호 XL 49 ~ 52 // 37 ~ 40
엑스트라와이드 5호 52 ~ 55 // 37 ~ 40
6호 XXL 52 ~ 55 // 40 ~ 43
엑스트라와이드 6호 55 ~ 58 // 40 ~ 43
7호 XXXL 55 ~ 58 // 43 ~46
엑스트라와이드 7호 58 ~ 61 // 43 ~ 46
엑스트라와이드는 3호부터 있습니다.
엑스트라와이드는 허벅지가 더 넓습니다.
종아리는 같습니다.
제뉴메디 이모션 3.0
메디(medi)의 “퍼포먼스 컬렉션” 이모션(E+motion)
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기능성과 디자인을 겸비한 이 새 컬렉션은 새로운 특징이 더해짐으로 향상된 기능을 자랑합니다. 더욱 안정적이면서 유연하고 높은 부하 조건 속에서도 최상의 지지력을 보장합니다. 일 또는 취미 활동을 하며 관절과 허리에 부하를 많이 주는 프로 및 취미 스포츠인 등 활동량이 많은 분들이 특히 이러한 특성이 유용하게 작용합니다.
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활성섬유와 메리노 섬유로 만들어진 고(高) 통기성의 기능성 직물은 여름 및 겨울에 온도 조절이 용이하도록 지원하여 착용자의 움직임에 완벽히 적응할 뿐만 아니라 고강도 운동, 일터 및 일상생활 속에서도 발목의 안정성을 더합니다. 4중 포인트 실리콘 코팅은 그 어떠한 활동에도 부목을 안정적으로 고정합니다. 무릎 안쪽의 편안함을 제공하는 넉넉넉한 “컴포트 존” 또한 새로 추가된 특징으로 피부 염증과을 예방하고 최상의 착용 경험을 제공합니다.
제품 장점
4중 포인트 실리콘 코팅이 주는 향상된 고정
특별히 향상된 안정성과 움직임의 자유로움을 동시에 제공
슬개골 구멍으로 인한 무릎뼈의 통증 완화
일체 된 입체 실리콘 쿼츠 패드가 지원하는 마사지 효과
넉넉한 “컴포트 존” 덕분에 가능한 자유로운 움직임
활성 섬유가 제공하는 최적의 통기성
메리노 섬유로 인한 향상된 온도 조절 기능
셀러 모집 24년 8월 1일부터 ~ 마감 종료일까지(수시모집), 인원 제한
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제뉴메디 이모션 3.0